Movies: Tips for Higher SEO Rankings

Producing films as a channel of communication is a very good idea. First, the film is ideal as a medium to prepare information in an understandable and entertaining way, which is why everyone prefers to watch a film than to read through a text. Second, search engines like movies. The search engine concludes from the existence of films on a website that this online presence has a high information value. The assumption is that anyone who produces a film has valuable information to offer.

SEO Tip 1: Host your videos yourself on your own webspace

Don’t just upload the clips to YouTube, Vimeo and others and then embed them on your website via a link. Leave all traffic and control to the video platforms. You should only see the common platforms as scatter media for your brand awareness. This means that you must also upload your films to video platforms. But there your films should primarily serve to lead users to your website. You can use seo write for us site as well to promote your videos or movies.

SEO Tip 2: Create a video sitemap on your website

A sitemap is very important for SEO because it makes it easier for crawlers to collect your content. For example, there are special plugins that relieve you of your work and make it easier.

SEO Tip 3: Avoid posting all video content on one page as a “wall”

Nobody wants to scroll through a confusing list for ages. Give each movie its own landing page. Together with the sitemap, this ensures a very SEO-friendly structure. In addition, this gives you the opportunity to track the traffic for each individual film and also the traffic away from the film.

seo write for us

SEO Tip 4: The right title

Choose the movie title wisely. It has to appeal to two target groups: people and search engines. For the latter, it has to be descriptive enough to convey what it is about. The machine must be able to classify the film using terms. For people, it has to be appealing and convincing. A tutorial, for example, certainly doesn’t need an exciting title, but one that conveys to the user that he has found exactly what will help him the best. Image films require a lot more creativity when it comes to the title. The danger here is not to get too abstract.